Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Happy Birthday Fadwa (fan of Demetria Lovato) !!

yeaaaaaay 2 days ago is my angel's birthday, happy birthday to her and Im sorry i was too late to say it hunny:) trully wish everything getting better from before, and what am I said to her ? ok I sent her this happy sweet seventeen my girl Happy Birthdy to youuu Happy birthday to youuu happy birthday to you my lovely angel :( im sorrrrry im so sorry i was too late to message you I was remembered your birthday but im too busy coss i had many activities here once again im so sorry my hunny I hope you could understand, so hows your birthday? i bet you felt so ecstatic righhht. I truuullly wish that you get long live, always healthy and be a strong girl of course get more beautiful maybe your face even your heart include your mind, be more a cheerful girl and you should be stronger girl always, whatever it is if you have a big or small problems, you should to solve it even it's hard k hunny, i know you getting more bigger now.... we'll get this way, yeah face our journey and the power of life, you should pray much for your special day, even it was already gone but just pretend that this day is your birthday, im sosrry i can't be there for you in your special day in your special age, im sorry i couldn't give you any kind of gift. :( cos im trully busy i swear.... I couldn't handle it how to tell you i miss you so much and hanan and everyone there... i can't controll it, it was too hrd for me, im dying of desiring to meet you are. i don't even get my last hope until i get you are right beside me huhuhu.... I trully hope that God makes the scenario about the meet up of us , and i'll end it with name of Allah by saying Amin.... He's the most gracious and the most merciful, hope God makes our wish come true.... Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin love you so much and have a nice day hunny, keep on fight for our school and our life ;) how sweet i am right :P

Getting close

Oh my God, gak nyangka yaaa udah kelas 3 trus udah mau ujian aja gtu, trus ntar lg TO trus UN trus daftar kuliaaah deeeeh yeaaaaay :( kira2 gw kuliah gak yaaa, dan kira2 masuk univ mana yaaaa, jurusan apa yaaaa aaaaaaaaaa- annoy banget deh kalo mikirin itu lopada mau masuk dimana friends? hope I can meet all my old friends :( miss the too much !!!