Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

My Favourite Music Genres

HELLLOW, hahaha Just wanna share you my sense of music that flow through my life . . . here they are my favourites genres

1. Pop
Oke when I was child I like to hear this kind of genre yeah I think til this time, and I think almost everyone in this world love Pop Songs, and it must be. You are insane if you aren't, I mean you must change the world :P

Lemme introduce you about this genre (Copyright) :))
Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll. The terms "popular music" and "pop music" are often used interchangeably, even though the former is a description of music which is popular (and can include any style).
As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks.
So-called "pure pop" music, such as power pop, features all these elements, using electric guitars, drums and bass for instrumentation; in the case of such music, the main goal is usually that of being pleasurable to listen to, rather than having much artistic depth. Pop music is generally thought of as a genre which is commercially recorded and desires to have a mass audience appeal.

2. HipHop
It was from when I was child too, my sister loved to playing this kind of song and perhaps my ears recorded it and saved it in my soul :)) so I always try to get the latest music of this genre.

Hip hop music, also called hip-hop, rap music, or hip-hop music, is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted. It developed as part of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching, break dancing, and graffiti writing. Other elements include sampling (or synthesis), and beatboxing.

While often used to refer to rapping, "hip hop" more properly denotes the practice of the entire subculture. The term hip hop music is sometimes used synonymously with the term rap music, though rapping is not a required component of hip hop music; the genre may also incorporate other elements of hip hop culture, including DJing and scratching, beatboxing, and instrumental tracks.

3. Country
OMG again it happened, I heard Country songs from when I was about 12 years old, my brother addicted with this kind of song and his favourite is Carrie Underwood and I love her too, cos he always play Country song almost everyday, so I try to make myself more close with this genre :))

Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in Southern United States in the 1920s. It takes its roots from the southeastern genre of American folk music and Western music. Blues modes have been used extensively throughout its recorded history. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas.

The term country music gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the earlier term hillbilly music; it came to encompass Western music, which evolved parallel to hillbilly music from similar roots, in the mid-20th century. The term country music is used today to describe many styles and subgenres. In 2009 country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second most popular in the morning commute in the United States.

4. Pop Rock
 Wow, this is cos of Daughtry, I think some of his songs is Pop Rock genre aren't they?(am I wrong?) Yeah I like to hear his songs so I became like to hear almost every song of this genre, but after I knew what Love is, I almost forgot about songs of this genre, yeaaah cos I jumped to the RnB :)) but sometimes I still show my loyalty by hearing songs of it

Pop rock is a music genre which mixes a catchy pop style and light lyrics in its (typically) guitar-based rock songs. There are varying definitions of the term, ranging from a slower and mellower form of rock music to a subgenre of pop music. The detractors of pop rock often deride it as a slick, commercial product, less authentic than rock music.

5. RnB 
I grew up until I met a love, and from that time I knew the things call insomnia, hurt, ecstatic everything about sense of love, and when Im on Youtube, I got Sam Hook song's , so Im in love with this genre, until this time absolutely.. this genre was so romantic....

Rhythm and blues, often abbreviated to R&B or RnB, is a genre of popular African-American music that originated in the 1940s. The term was originally used by record companies to describe recordings marketed predominantly to urban African Americans, at a time when "urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy, insistent beat" was becoming more popular.

The term has subsequently had a number of shifts in meaning. In the early 1950s, the term rhythm and blues was frequently applied to blues records. Starting in the mid-1950s, after this style of music contributed to the development of rock and roll, the term "R&B" became used to refer to music styles that developed from and incorporated electric blues, as well as gospel and soul music. By the 1970s, rhythm and blues was used as a blanket term for soul and funk. In the 1980s, a newer style of R&B developed, becoming known as "Contemporary R&B".

 6. Classical 
What about this genre? okay, I like this genre when I got a heartbroken and missing everyone I love, yeah, this song could bring me to the past, I feel like im going to the past but the saddest is it just my imagination, yeah cos I plunge too deep with the song so I carried by the strains of the song.. the piano and violin is the most musical instrument that I love of this genre..

Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music (both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day. The central norms of this tradition became codified between 1550 and 1900, which is known as the common practice period.

European music is largely distinguished from many other non-European and popular musical forms by its system of staff notation, in use since about the 16th century. Western staff notation is used by composers to prescribe to the performer the pitch, speed, meter, individual rhythms and exact execution of a piece of music. This leaves less room for practices such as improvisation and ad libitum ornamentation, which are frequently heard in non-European art music and in popular music.

The term "classical music" did not appear until the early 19th century, in an attempt to distinctly "canonize" the period from Johann Sebastian Bach to Beethoven as a golden age. The earliest reference to "classical music" recorded by the Oxford English Dictionary is from about 1836.

Wooow.... this genre is my friend when I feel so Lonely,Angry,Dissapoint,Hurt and kind of wanna mutiny and scream so loud. for the first time, I don't care the genre of the song that I heard which could make me happy nowadays, but for sure im so curious and Naaah I got the genre and it was it... TRRRAAAP I just love this genre and im gonna say Hi to the Trap in my life

  Trap music is a music genre that originated in the early 2000s from Southern hip hop in the Southern United States. It is typified by its aggressive lyrical content and trademark sound, which incorporates 808 sub-bass kick drums, double-time, triple-time and other faster time division hi-hats, pitched-down vocals, layered synthesizers, and "cinematic" strings.

In 2012, a new movement of electronic music producers and DJs emerged who began incorporating elements of trap music into their works. This helped expand its popularity among electronic music fans. A number of stylistic offshoots of trap developed, which in the latter half of 2012 gained a rise in viral popularity and made a noticeable impact on dance music.

Okay that's all :D what about yours?

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

2014 Night Sky – 11 Must See Celestial Events

Oh MY God My no my Wow, demi apa event2 ini tertata di depan muka gue? shit!!!Sumpah ini bakal jadi nightmare deh. why? iyaaaaa gw kan pengen banget hadir disetiap tuh event2 nya tanpa terkecualiiii... dan itu kayaknya gak akan tercapai dan cuman mimpi belaka dan sama aja kayak NIGHTMARE kaaaaan aaaaaaaaaah menyebalkan.. kesel kesel kesel

Skywatchers will get a glimpse of some truly amazing night sky events in 2014, from an asteroid zooming past one of the night sky’s brightest stars to amazing full moons and Martian meteor showers.
Here are some of the highlights we’ll be watching out for during the year’s most promising night sky celestial events:


March 20: A Bright Star Winks Out

An exceedingly rare celestial event is predicted for early this morning when an asteroid will briefly hide one of the brightest stars in the sky from view. The asteroid in question is 163 Erigone, and the star that it will obscure is Regulus, in the constellation of Leo, the Lion.


April 14-15: Lunar Eclipse and Mars Close Approach

Mars will come to within 57.4 million miles (92.4 million km) of our planet, making its closest approach to Earth since January 2008. All through the night, Mars will resemble a dazzling star shining with a steady fiery-colored tint; its brightness will match Sirius, the most luminous of all the stars.
As a bonus, later that very same night (actually the early hours of April 15), North America will have a ringside seat to a total lunar eclipse when the full moon becomes transformed into a mottled reddish ball for 78 minutes as it is completely immersed in the shadow of the Earth. This total lunar eclipse will be the first one widely visible from North America in nearly 3.5 years.


April 28-29: A “Ring of Fire” Eclipse that Nobody Will See?

It is quite possible that only penguins will witness the annular (ring) phase of this eclipse, as it will occur within the uninhabited region of Wilkes Land in Antarctica. A partial solar eclipse will be visible from Australia.


May 24: A Possible Outburst of Bright Meteors

Perhaps the most dramatic sky event in 2014 could come at the start of Memorial Day weekend. In the predawn hours of Saturday, May 24, our planet is expected to sweep through a great number of dusty trails left behind in space by a small comet (known as P/209 LINEAR).


Aug. 10: Biggest Full Moon of 2014

On Aug. 10, the moon turns full at 2:09 p.m. EDT, and just nine minutes earlier it will arrive at its closest point to the Earth in 2014 at a distance of 221,765 miles (356,896 km), making this a so-called “supermoon.” Expect a large range in ocean tides (exceptionally low to exceptionally high) for the next few days.


Aug. 12: The Perseid Meteor Shower

This one is more of a lowlight than a highlight, unfortunately. The annual summer performance of the brilliant Perseid meteor shower will be severely hindered by the light of a nearly full moon.


Aug. 18: A Brilliant Double Planet

An hour before sunrise, low in the east-northeast sky, the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be strikingly close together. The two worlds will be separated by less than two-thirds of the apparent width of the moon in our sky, making for a very eye-catching sight.


Oct. 8: Another Total Lunar Eclipse!

This eclipse favors the western half of North America, the Hawaiian Islands, eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and the eastern half of Australia. Across central and eastern North America, the moon will set while still completely immersed in Earth’s shadow.


Oct. 19: Near Collision of a Comet with Mars

All eyes will be on the Red Planet in October as Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring), discovered by Robert H. McNaught at Australia’s Siding Spring Observatory, will pass extremely close to Mars. The comet will come so close, in fact, that its coma may envelop Mars, as well as create a stupendous shower of meteors as seen from the Martian surface.


Oct. 23: A Partial Eclipse of the Sun

The moon’s penumbral shadow will fall over much of North America as well as extreme eastern Siberia, producing a partial solar eclipse. Greatest eclipse, with more than four-fifths of the sun’s diameter covered by the moon, will occur in M’Clintock Channel, an arm of the Arctic Ocean which divides Victoria Island from Prince of Wales Island in the Territory of Nunavut, Canada.


Dec. 13: The Geminid Meteor Shower

This is another lowlight. The Geminids, regarded by many observers as the best of the annual meteor showers, has the misfortune of occurring during the time of a last-quarter moon, which will pretty much squelch all but the brightest meteors.

Stuff No One Told Me, Cartoon Life Lessons

Hey, hey hey berhubung aku sempet jelajah google gajelas aku dapet sesuatu dan aku mau share sesuatu nih, sesuatu yg ngebuat aku jadi ngerasa alive aja ngeliatnya, jadi ngerasa lebih termotivasi gitu (agaya)  pokoknya liat aja deeh here they are....

Stuff No One Told Me is a hilarious cartoon blog of life lessons by Alex Noriega. Offering life development lessons for an adult crowd, Noriega’s art will make you laugh and nod your head in approval.

Gimana gimana? keren kan :P yeah, those cartoon photos give us much lessons, aren't they? :D

Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Farewell Party

HOAM boring again nih boredom boredom boredom
let me share aja deh yaa... jadi gini -.- paan bangetsih gw
tgl 6 May kemaren our school had a farewell party yeah, perpisahan and I hate "farewell"word the most for the rest of my life, why?
iya masa harus ada kata2 perpisahan sih diantara kita semua? :( okey mungkin setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan tapi kalo dibayangin  kenapa harus dirayain coba ? gada tema lain apa selain perpisahan? kan gak ngena banget gitu di idup gw :P hahahaha

so kita pada (warga SMA SERIRAMA) ngadain perpisahan di hotel Furaya, dan tema bajunya batik yap tepatnya dari taun gw nongol sampe mau jebol temanya batik terus. nah tepat di nih taun niye gw gak mood banget nge gaya , bisa dibilang mati gaya deh ya, aduh fotonya belum ga ambil dah dari temen2 nanti nyusul deh ya :D biar lopada liat gimana gembelnya gw di tuh hari

yg paling mengesankannya tau apa? ngesanin banget nihhh di idup gw, tepat 4 hari atau 5 hari gitu sebelum tuh acara gw disuruh sama guru gw buat bantuin anak osis buatin video profil sekolah gitu, yaaa katanya gw disuruh bantuin masukin suara ke video yg udah di edit gitu ofcourse gw accept buat bantu. tapi ternyata oh my to the God yg ada gw kerja sendirian -.- alias jadi gw yg ngebikin tuh video sendirian men sendirian. -.-apaan sih lo wa lebay

tapi sumpah deh gw gak boong, gw mati2an buat tuh video dengan sukarela demi sekolah, setidaknya gw berjasa dikit dah buat nyenengin hati tuh guru ama kepsek buat videonya, pengen liat ? nyusul juga deeh nanti gw share :P

oke, gw sampe gak tidur seharian,why? karena gw baru selesai ngumpulin video mentahnya sehari sebelum tuh acara perpisahan, (kenapa gt?) ya karena tuh videonya kan mau ditampilin pas perpisahan gitu. oke gw sampe kena sempretan ama nyokap bokap , gw dieeeeeemin aja tuh mereka, mereka gatau apa yg gw kerjain jadi gw fokus ampe jam 7 pagi tuh yg harusnya gw jam 7 udah di hotel gw masih kayak orng bego ngedit2 video. dan akhrnya selesai beberapa menit setelah jam 7.

trus gw mandi cuss siap2 gak lama datang dah jemputan bukan jemputan sih tapi tebengan :D haha berhubung ban honda gw bocor -.- (yaelah songong banget gw) yaaah jadi tuh laptop gw hibernate gtu kan, gamungkin gw bawa2 sambil idup di jalanan.

rupanya nyampe di tuh hotel anjriiittt video gw gagal, alias became NOT RESPONDING ooooh my to the GOOOOOD. sumpah gw asli panik panik panik kayak kebakaran jenggot. gw lupa ngesave gitu , tapi ada yg udh ke save cuman stengah, trus gw tanya ama adek kelas kan si dicky, "dek gimana niiih ancur ancur" dengan bawelnya gw "udah buat aja lg cepet, masih lama ko kan masih acara formal" dia jawab, dateng gw "HAAA? sempet gak ah serius ah sempet gak nih mati mati sumpah aku boleh nangis gaaaak?" "sempeeet tuuh sempeeet" dia ngedukung. oke gara ngeliat muka keyakinan diaaa, gw edit lagi dah tuh di lokasi videonya, dan anjrit anjrit teranjrit, udah selesai tuh video gw edit , eh dia NOT RESPONDING lagiiiiii aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kampretos banget kan? maunya apa coba tuh video. mana gak gw save lagiiiii. aaaaaah akhirnya si dicky ngeyakinin lagi tuh kalo tuh video bakalan selese, yaudah gw bikin lagi dah dengan melasnya dan gak napsu idup.. dan finally akhirnya stelah beberapa jam selesain dan itupun alakadarnya ah bodo penting gw buat.

ngesavenya butuh waktu 2 jam -.- gila kaaaan jadi selama acara berlangsung tuh video lg proses nge save gitu

dan parahnya pas udah selesai, rupanya ada yg salaaaaah. jelek gituuuu deh pokoknya ada yg salah, dan terpaksa gw edit lagi yg udah jadi tuh kan. gw save lg pake kualitas yg paling standar -.- terpaksa supaya cepet prosesnya

selama ngesave tuh gw nampil gitu deh kan ceilah, iyoi gw nampil nari TOR TOR nya punya si batak hahaha.... dan aku pasangan sama alex -.- apaan banget gak. yg parahnya guru gw nyolot supaya gw ama dia di taro paling depan -.- shit banget mentang2 dia tau kalo dulu gw ama dia pernah ehem2 . SKIP . dan yg menyenangkannya, berhubung sekitar gw banyak orng batak juga. jadi pas nari tuh tarian langsung tuh para warga maju ke depan (guru2 ama murid mksdnya) ngapain? ngasih saweeran dooooong :)) lumayan kan cuman nari gitu doang dapet fulush, haha seneng doooong :P aaaa seru deh pokoknyaaaa
abis nari tuh kan ganti bajuuu.

trus aku balik ngeliatin tuh video, akhirnya selesai juga dan aku lngsng bilang ke guru aku jadi gak ditampilin vid nya, trus aku disuruh standby di atas. Fix ok aku standby di atas

dah , tuh video kan berlangsung tuh. abis tuh aku turun dari atas dari tempat sooundsystem bagian atas.. guru aku yg kubilang tadi alias wali kelas aku yg bernama bu Ancilia dy duduk di kursi terima tamu gitu kan, aku kira dy gak nonton video yg dy suruh aku buat. pas aku turun ngeliatin dy, dy langsung bangun dan melukin aku kenceeeeeng banget. terus dia bilang "makasih banyak ya nak ibu ganyangka kalau bakal sukses gini , beneran ibu puas sekali tadi saya nonton videonya, saya sampe mau nangis" "saya kira ibu gak nonton tadi", "oh saya nonton, stelah selesai saya langsung keluar dan duduk nungguin kamu dan yg lainnya di sini"..dia ngmng sambil matanya berlinang gituuuu aaaaaaa aku sneng banget dong pastinya digituiiiin. pokoknya dia ngmng2 yg sweet gt deh moooodbooster pokoknya. aaaaaa I love herrrr so much karena di respect gitu :D

abis itu aku masuk ke ballroom trus aku free gitu deh dari Operator, karna kan tadi aku pas sambil ngedit video sambil jadi operator gtu.
abis tuh aku kabur ke tempat annak2 yaaaa menggila lah langsunnng yippppiee :))

di akhir nya tuh yg sedih bngt tp eru, iyaaaa kami semua salam2an kan sama guru2 terus salam2an peluk2an sama anak2 sambil minta maaf gitu gilaaaaaa aku gakuat aku sampe got heavy tears gitu deh, karena pake perasaan banget nih :'( berasa kayak gak bakal ketemu lagi pasti juga jarang ketemu. pokoknyaaa nangis2an deh kita2 terus abis sedih2an kan, kita rame2 joget di panggung sama kepsek sama ibu Ancilia, joget2 ala bu Ancilia dia yg mandu terus joget ugal2an si dani sama kenang yg mandu hahaha... abis tuh kan foto2 (pastinya dong)

abis tuhhhhhh
ya pulang laaaah,
gila-.- kan pulang ny sore tuh sekitar jam 5 masa gw pas pulang kan makan pisang tuh. trus gw kayak amnesia , soalnya tiba2 gw udh di tempat tidur baru bangun dan gw liat jam udah jam 7, gw kira jam 7 maghrib rupanya udah jam 7 pagi PARAAAAAAHHH rupanya gw mabooook. tidur sendiri gajelas sampe selama itu =)))))3 ganyangka itu pertama kali dalam idup gw kyk gituu . . .

hahaha , ngmng2 udah jam  2 malem nih ane ngantuk . I got to sleeep bubyeeeee blooogggy

Hello Fellas

OMG it's been long time gw gak pernah mampir ke nih blog lagi, and now finally Im here everyone , so how's liiife? yaaaay, mine is great hehe greater than before perhaps. sooo buat yang anak UN gimana ujiannya? lancar dong pastinya ya gak ya gak? kalo gak lancar ya dilancar2in kalo masih gak lancar berarti mampet, panggil tukan tinja aja (LOH?) kidding... OKE saya tau dengan sangat masa2 ujian kemaren itu pasti campur aduk antara tegang keasal betein nyedihin ngeselin ngerinduin ah gak ah gak ngerinduin sama sekali.. haha
tp yg lebih ngebetein itu yaa giniiii, udh liburan panjang malah gak ada event yg fun buat dilewatin haha, lebih betah dirumah nih kayaknya ya gak sih? yaudah kalo bete buka yg seru2 aja, tumblr kek nge blog kek ngepret orang kek loh? jangan dong nanti dikepret balik lopada :D.... kalo aku sih kadang kalo bete nge tumblr ngebela2in ngabisin uang ke warnet cuman buat ngabisin bete yg sejam nya bisa ngabisin uang 3ribu mamen -.- dan 3ribu itu sebenarnya berharga banget buat keperluan laeen hahay . ato coba deh buat yg ngegalau kehabisan tema buka nyunyu.com mungkin bisa ngebantu dapetin inspirasi hidup (ceilah) haha... ato buka noooh youtube sama web2 film, bakalan banyak tuh film2 seru yg kudu di download, ya gak sih? iyadongs :D

huaaaah, enjoy your holiday deh semuanya yaaaa.
kita sama2 nunggu hasil ujian kan? PRAY FOR USSS
semoga kita semua lulus 100% AMIIIIN