Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013


Heeya , it was me... Im done... done with him.. Ijust dont wanna share everything here cos I have another site which is more deserve to hear my lovestory or about my feelings...
everything is done, the sweetest thing I've done to him became nothing, he didn't respect it he didn't even know how I feel...
He left me behind without saying goodbye... but just by choosing between two things that I gave it to him. and I shouldn't mention that I thought
and I feel like those day is the worst day ever, it hurts me so much... I've been waiting him for along time but doest it real that I just got nothing?
NO ! I didn't . I got a lesson, there's much lesson that I should learn
Ya know wat... I still keep on going, keep on give my heart to him, and still dream about him. I want him to be my future and there will be miracle I believe it even atleast I don't get it but it doesnt matter...
Atleast I've tried so hard to make it so real... I don't care what everybody said , I don't care what he said to me. I don't care if he already moved on or something like tat..
All I wanna do just do this favourite things... keep on going to you
I don't know what kind of girl i am... maybe I shouldn't do this. but God controlls it and I can't handle it..
I'll always pray what's best for me and I believe everything I do is what I love...
even I feel so overwhelmed of all of this but I will fight fight keep on fight for him... Overwhelmed isn't the end of a girl's sacrifice...... so for everyone I just wanna say that don't get break so easily cos all you have to do is just believe in yourself that everything that you striving for will make you ecstatic more than you can imagine... just be positive thinking... we all have God. God always hears our pray... The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
  just don't hope nothing from nothing... but hope everything from something

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